Bernhard Fuehrer (SOAS, University of London)

Prof. Bernhard Fuehrer is Professor of Sinology and Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Languages and Cultures, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He received his BA from National Taiwan University and his Dr. phil. Degree from Vienna University. He had taught at University of Bochum, prior to joining SOAS in 1996. He is a specialist in Sinology, in particular in Chinese philosophy and religion. He has published six books. Among them, Lost and Forgotten: The History of Austrian Chinese Studies and Sinological Methodology: A Guide to Selected Readings with Notes and Excursions in the History and Methods of Sinology are important works for the study of Sinology. At RCT, Prof. Fuehrer will mainly be involved in the project “Sinologists as Translators in the 17-19th Century”, funded by the RCT Research Fund.

Major Publications

Authored books:

1.Academic Lectures of Professor Wang Meng’ou 2007 (2007 Wang Meng’ou jiaoshou xueshu jiangzuo yanjiangji(Taipei: Guoli Zhengzhi Daxue / National Cheng-chi University, 2008).
2.Sinological Methodology. A Guide to Selected Readings with Notes and Excursions in the History and Methods of Sinology (London: Department of the Languages and Cultures of China and Inner Asia, 2006). (Forthcoming).
3.Vergessen und verloren. Die Geschichte der österreichischen Chinastudien (Bochum: Projekt Verlag, 2001). (Edition cathay; Bd.42).
4.Chinas erste Poetik. Das Shipin (Kriterion Poietikon) des Zhong Hong (467?-518). (Dortmund: Projekt Verlag, 1995). (edition cathay; Bd.10).

Edited books:

1.(Ed.), Aspekte des Lesens in China in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (Bochum: Projekt Verlag, 2005).
2.(Ed.), Zensur. Text und Autorität in China in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003). (Veroeffentlichungen des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum; 48).
3.(Co-ed.) Tradition und Moderne. Religion, Philosophie und Literatur in China. (Dortmund: Projekt Verlag, 1997). (edition cathay; Bd.31).
4.(Co-ed.), Chinesisches Selbstverständnis und kulturelle Identität: Wenhua Zhongguo (Dortmund: Projekt Verlag, 1996). (edition cathay; Bd.22).
5.(Co-ed.) Posthumous Works of Robert Scholz (Taipei: Robert Scholz Music Foundation, 1993).

10 Representative Articles:

1.“Challenges and Perspectives of Chinese Studies in a Changing Society”, in Kawai and Shinichi (eds.), New Challenges and Perspectives of Modern Chinese Studies (Tokyo: Universal Academy Press, 2008), pp. 109-121.
2.「变化を遂げ社会における中国研究の挑战と展望」, in Kagami and Mitsuyuki (eds.), Chūgoku no shin tana hatsugen 中國の新たな發現. (Tokyo: Nihon hyōronsha, 2008), pp. 87-102.
3.“Seers and Jesters. Graph Analysis Between Punning and Predicting the Future”, East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, no.25 (2006), pp. 47-68.
4.“Qi jingwen yu jinben yi duo you yitong: Huang Kan Lunyu Yishu Siku quanshu ben zhi gean yanjiu” (「其經文與今本亦多有異同」皇侃《論語義疏》四庫全書本之個案研究), in Lin Qingzhang (ed.), International Papers on Sinology (Guoji Hanxue luncong) (Taipei: Lexue shuju, 2007), pp. 121-138.
5.“Dui Ouzhou Hanxue yanjiu xiankuang de xingsi” (對歐洲漢學研究現況的省思), in Wei, Siqi and Wesolowski, Zbigniew (eds.), Furen Daxue diyi jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui: you guan Zhongguo xueshuxing de duihua: Yi Huayi Xuezhi wei li (The First Fu Jen University International Symposium Scholarly Dialogue on China: Monumenta Serica as an Example) (Taipei: Furen Daxue chubanshe, 2004), pp. 132-145.
6.“Glimpses into Zhong Hong’s Educational Background, with Remarks on Manifestations of the Zhouyi”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 2004:67(1). pp. 64-78.
7.“Did the Master Instruct His Followers to Attack Heretics? A Note on Readings of Lunyu 2.16” in Hockx, M. and Smits, I. (eds.), Reading East Asian Writing. The Limits of Literary Theory (London: Routledge Curzon, 2003), pp. 117-58.
8.“Considerations on the Question of Individualism and the Role of the Individual in Early Chinese Thought”, in The Role of the Individual vis-a-vis the Family, Society and State in Asia and Europe (Singapore: Asia-Europe Foundation, 2001), pp. 1-31.
9.“The Court Scribe’s Eikon Psyches. A note on Sima Qian and His Letter to Ren An”, Asian and African Studies, 1997:6(2), pp. 170-183.
10.“High Wind and True Bone, Defying Ice and Frost Illustrative Remarks on the Shipin of Zhong Hong”, Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 1995:19, pp. 51-70.