Director - Lawrence Wang-Chi Wong
Professor Lawrence Wang-chi Wong received his Ph.D. from SOAS, University of London. He is Professor Emeritus and Research Professor at the Department of Translation, and Director of Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include translation history of China in the early modern and modern periods, modern Chinese literature, and Hong Kong cultural studies. He has published extensively in these fields, including Fanyi yu jindai Zhongguo (Translation and early modern China, 2014), Fanyi yu wenxue zhijian (Between translation and literature, 2011 & 2013), Chongshi “xin da ya”: Ershi shiji Zhongguo fanyi yanjiu (Reinterpreting xin da ya: Translation studies of the twentieth-century China, 1999 & 2007). His most recent book is Long Yu shi de duihua: Fanyi yu Majiaerni fanghua shituan (Dialogue between the dragon and the lion: Translation and the Macartney Mission, 2022).

Selected Publications
- Dialogues Between the Dragon and the Lion: Translation in the Macartney Mission 龙与狮的对话:翻译与马戛尔尼访华使团 (Shanghai: Orient Publishing Centre, 2023), 640 pp.
- (Co-ed.) Crossing Borders: Sinology in Translation Studies (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2022), 479 pp.
- Dialogues Between the Dragon and the Lion: Translation in the Macartney Mission 龍與獅的對話:翻譯與馬戛爾尼訪華使團 (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2022), 496 pp.
- (Ed.) Studies in Translation History (2018) 翻譯史研究(2018) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2020), 263 pp.
- (Ed.) Studies in Translation History (2017) 翻譯史研究(2017) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2018), 358 pp.
- (Ed.) Studies in Translation History (2016) 翻譯史研究(2016) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2017), 299 pp.
- (Ed.) Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2017), 380 pp.
- (Co-ed.) Sinologists as Translators in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2015), 440 pp.
- (Ed.) Studies in Translation History (2015) 翻譯史研究(2015) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2015), 344 pp.
- (Ed.) Studies in Translation History (2014) 翻譯史研究(2014) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2014), 342 pp.
- Translation and Early Modern China 翻譯與近代中國 (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2014), 310 pp.
- (Co-ed.) Translation and Global Asia: Relocating Cultural Production Network (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2014), 305 pp.
- Between Literature and Translation 翻譯與文學之間 (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2011; repr., 2013), 374 pp.
- (Ed.) Studies in Translation History (2013) 翻譯史研究(2013) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2013), 342 pp.
- (Ed.) Towards a History of Translating: In Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Research Centre for Translation, CUHK (Hong Kong: Research Centre for Translation, 2013), 3 vols., 304 + 314 + 470 pp.
- (Co-ed.) The Transmission and Transformation of Chinese Culture: Proceedings of International Conference in Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中國文化的傳承與開拓:香港中文大學四十週年校慶國際研討會論文集 (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2009), 475 pp.
- Local Hong Kong 本土香港 (Hong Kong: Cosmos Publishing House, 2007), 177 pp.
- Reinterpreting Xin Da Ya: Translation Studies of The Twentieth Century China 重釋“信達雅”:二十世紀中國翻譯研究, new ed. (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2007), 314 pp.
- Lu Xun and the Left League 魯迅與“左聯”, rev. ed. (Beijing: Xinxing chubanshe, 2006), 368 pp.
- (Co-ed.) Cultural Relations and Interactions between Shanghai and Hong Kong 雙龍吐艷:滬港之文化交流與聯繫 (Hong Kong: Shanghai Hong Kong Development Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Fudan University, 2005), 389 pp.
- (Co-trans.) The Romantic Generation of the Modern Chinese Writers 中國現代作家的浪漫一代, by Leo Ou-fan Lee (Beijing: Xinxing chubanshe, 2005), 303 pp.
- The Burden of History: On the Hong Kong Histories Published in Mainland China 歷史的沉重:從香港看中國大陸香港史論述 (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2000; repr., 2001), 273 pp.
- Reinterpreting Xin Da Ya: Translation Studies of The Twentieth Century China 重釋“信達雅”:二十世紀中國翻譯研究 (Shanghai: Dongfang chuban zhongxin, 1999), 293 pp.
- Historical Contingencies: A Study of Modern Chinese Literary Histories in Hong Kong 歷史的偶然:從香港看中國現代文學史 (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1997), 180 pp.
- (Co-authored) Hong Kong Un-Imagined: History, Culture and the Future 否想香港:歷史·文化·未來 (Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Company, 1997), 311 pp.
- (Co-ed.) Writing the Literary Past: Reflections on Literary History 書寫文學的過去:文學史的思考 (Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Company, 1997), 390 pp.
- Between Literature and Politics: Lu Xun, the Crescent Moon and Literary History 文學與政治之間:魯迅·新月·文學史 (Taipei: Tung Ta Publishing House, 1994), 422 pp.
- Lu Xun and the Left League 思想激流下的中國命運:魯迅與“左聯” (Taipei: Feng-yun Shih-tai Publishing House, 1991), 333 pp.
- Politics and Literature in Shanghai: The Chinese League of Left-wing Writers, 1930–1936, Studies on East Asia (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991), 254 pp.
- (Co-ed.) Reminiscences of the Poet Zhu Xiang 詩人朱湘懷念集 (Taipei: Chi-wen Publishing House, 1990), 248 pp.
- “Sinologists as Diplomatic Translators: Robert Thom (1807–1846) in the First Opium War and His Translation of the Supplementary Treaty (Treaty of the Bogue), 1843,” in Crossing Borders: Sinology in Translation Studies, ed. T. H. Barrett and Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2022), pp. 181–212.
- “‘Ceding’ ‘Hong Kong’: Translation Problems about Ceding Hong Kong in Sino-British Negotiations during the Early Stages of the Opium War” “割讓”“香港”:鴉片戰爭前期中英談判有關割讓香港的翻譯問題, in Neologisms and Cultural History 新名詞與文化史, ed. Yu Laiming and Wang Jiehong (Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2022), pp. 284–361.
- “How Did They Blow Their Own Trumpet? An Analysis of the Embassy’s Chinese Translation of the List of Presents from Lord Macartney to Qianlong Emperor, 1793” 如何“張大其詞以自炫其奇巧”?論新發現1793年馬戛爾尼使團禮品清單中譯本, Foreign Languages and Cultures 外國語言與文化 5, no. 4 (December 2021), pp. 58–79.
- “‘A Style of Chinese Respect’: Lord Macartney’s Reply to the Imperial Edicts of Emperor Qianlong in 1793,” Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia 12, no. 1 (August 2021), pp. 8–28.
- “‘By the Grace of Heaven, the Emperor Instructs the King of England’: On Some Facts and the Translations of the Edicts Sent by Emperor Qianlong to King George III of England” “奉天承運,皇帝敕諭英吉利國王知悉”:乾隆致英國王喬治三世的三道敕諭及其翻譯問題, Translogopoeia 復旦談譯錄, no. 3 (June 2021), pp. 50–129.
- “Translators as Cultural Phenomena: A New Approach to Translators Studies” 作為文化現象的譯者:譯者研究的一個切入點, Yangtze River Academic 長江學術 69, no. 1 (January 2021), pp. 87–96.
- “‘Now Your Ambassador Requests to Allow the Foreigners to Preach Freely?’ The Preaching Issue in Emperor Qianlong’s Second Letter to the British King in Macartney Mission” “今爾國使臣之意,欲任聽夷人傳教?”馬戛爾尼使團乾隆致英國王第二道敕諭中的傳教問題, Journal of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報, no. 71 (July 2020), pp. 47–70.
- “Glorified in Life, Mourned in Death: The Death of Robert Thom (1807–1846), the First British Consul in Ningbo, and a Discussion of His Compensation Arrangements” 生榮死哀:英國第一任寧波領事羅伯聃(Robert Thom, 1807–1846)的去世及有關其撫卹安排的討論, Wakumon 或問 37 (June 2020), pp. 1–16.
- “Translators/Interpreters of the Macartney Mission” 馬戛爾尼使團的譯員, in Studies in Translation History (2018) 翻譯史研究(2018), ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2020), pp. 36–120.
- “Robert Thom and the Translation of the Treaty of the Bogue” 羅伯聃與《虎門條約》的翻譯, in Westerners and Early Modern China: Studies on Robert Thom 西士與近代中國:羅伯聃研究論集, ed. Shen Guowei (Osaka: Kansai University Press, 2020), pp. 57–138.
- “The Linguists (Tongshi) in the Canton Trade System Before the Opium War: The Case of Li Yao”, East Journal of Translation 東方翻譯, CIUTI Issue 2019 (June 2019), pp. 4–11.
- “Mysteries over the ‘Famous Thirteenth Article’: Controversies Arising from the Supplementary Treaty Signed by China and Britain in 1843” “著名的第十三款”之謎:圍繞1843年中英《善後事宜清冊附粘和約》的爭議, Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊, no. 103 (March 2019), pp. 1–46.
- “No Further Discussions? On the Translation of a Diplomatic Note from the Hong Kong Governor Bonham on the ‘Canton City Question’ in 1849” “不得辯論”?1849年香港第三任總督文翰一道有關“廣州入城”問題照會的翻譯, Studies in Translation History (2017) 翻譯史研究(2017), ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2018), pp. 125–148.
- “From Lhasa to Encyclopaedia Britannica: Thomas Manning and Sino-British Relations in the 18th and 19th Centuries” 從西藏拉薩到《大英百科全書》:萬寧與18–19世紀中英關係, International Sinology 國際漢學, no. 3 (September 2018), pp. 122–147.
- “‘Entrance into the Family of Nations’: Translation and the First Diplomatic Missions to the West, 1860s–1870s,” in Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2017), pp. 165–217.
- “‘We Are as Babies under Nurses’: Thomas Manning (1772–1840) and Sino-British Relations in the Early Nineteenth Century,” Journal of Translation Studies 翻譯學報 1, no. 1 (June 2017), pp. 85–136.
- “‘The Canton City Question’: Discrepancies Between the Chinese and English Versions of the Treaty of Nanking” 豈有城內城外之分?:“廣州入城事件”與《南京條約》的翻譯問題, Studies in Translation History (2016) 翻譯史研究(2016), ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2017), pp. 153–189.
- “On ‘Yi’: A Political Discourse in Sino-British Relations in the 18–19th Centuries” 說“夷”:十八至十九世紀中英交往中的政治話語, Wenxue 文學, Spring/Summer Issue 2016 (March 2017), pp. 209–307.
- “A Miserable Chapter of Humane Literature: Zhou Zuoren and Yuwai xiaoshuiji” “人的文學”之“哀弦篇”:論周作人與《域外小說集》, in A Reader in Late-Qing Literature Studies “晚清文學”研究讀本, ed. Zhang Chuntian (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2016), pp. 565–597.
- “‘Challenging the Supremacy of the Celestial Empire’: Translating the Official Titles of the Government Representatives of Great Britain in China Before and Around the First Opium War” “與天朝均敵”:第一次鴉片戰爭前後英國派華最高官員職銜的翻譯問題, Studies of Translation and Interpretation 翻譯學研究集刊 20 (December 2016), pp. 1–25.
- “‘Barbarian Attire is Really Strange’: Attire and Barbarian Discourse in Sino-British Relations in the 18–19th Centuries” “夷服太覺不類”:近代中英交往中的服飾與蠻夷論述, in Chaoyixue 僑易 3 (October 2016), pp. 87–101.
- “Wang Tao Selling Himself to the Barbarians: When a Traditional Man-of-Letters Became a Translator” 賣身侍夷的王韜:當傳統文士當上了譯者, in A Reader in Studies of the Evolution of Chinese Literature from the Past to Present 中國文學古今演變研究讀本, ed. Mei Xinlin and Pan Debao (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2016), pp. 190–215.
- “Objects of Curiosity: John Francis Davis as a Translator of Chinese Literature,”, in Sinologists as Translators in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries, ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong and Bernhard Fuehrer (Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2015), pp. 169–203.
- “Translation in the Amherst Mission to China in 1816” 1816年阿美士德使團的翻譯問題, Studies in Translation History (2015) 翻譯史研究(2015), ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2015), pp. 52–98.
- “Lord Palmerston Seeking Redress: A Translation that Impacted the Strategy of Emperor Daoguang in dealing with the British in the Early Stage of the First Opium War” 英國外相巴麥尊的“昭雪伸冤”: 鴉片戰爭初期一條影響道光皇帝對英策略的翻譯, Foreign Language and Literature Research 外國語文研究 1, no. 4 (August 2015), pp. 49–59.
- “Rethinking the Translation of “Superintendent” in the Treaty of Nanking” 《南京條約》中“領事”翻譯的歷史探析, Chinese Translators Journal 中國翻譯, no. 3 (June 2015), pp. 31–41.
- “To Cede or not to Cede?–Translation Issues in the Negotiations Between Qi Shan and Charles Elliot over the Cession of Hong Kong During the Opium War” “給予”還是“割讓”?鴉片戰爭中琦善與義律有關香港談判的翻譯問題, Studies in Translation History (2014) 翻譯史研究(2014), ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2014), pp. 26–76.
- “The Beginning of the Importation of New Literature from Exotic Countries into China”, Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 1 (November 2014), pp. 175–191.
- “‘It Is Simply A Diplomatic Fraud’: The English Translation of the Letter of Credence of the Burlingame Mission” “這簡直就是一份外交贋品”:蒲安臣使團國書的英譯, Chaoyixue 僑易 1 (October 2014), pp. 85–119.
- “George Thomas Staunton and Translation in Sino-British Trade in the Canton System: With Special Reference to the 1814 Meeting Involving the Translation Issues” 斯當東與廣州體制中英貿易的翻譯:兼論1814年東印度公司與廣州官員一次涉及翻譯問題的會議, Studies of Interpretation and Translation 翻譯學研究集刊 17 (August 2014), pp. 225–259.
- “The 1814 ‘Ayew Incident’: Linguists in Sino-British Relations in the Nineteenth Century” 1814年“阿耀事件”:近代中英交往中的通事, Journal of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報, no. 59 (2014), pp. 203–232.
- “Translators or Traitors?—The Tongshi in 18th and 19th Century China”, East Journal of Translation 東方翻譯, Special Issue 2014 (May 2014), pp. 24–37.
- “Letters from the Red-Haired Barbarians: On the Translation of the Letter of Credence of the Macartney Mission” 大紅毛國的來信:馬戛爾尼使團國書中譯的幾個問題, Studies in Translation History (2013) 翻譯史研究(2013), ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2013), pp. 1–37.
- “Barbarians or Not Barbarians: Translating Yi in the Context of Sino-British Relations in the 18th and 19th Century”, in Towards a History of Translating: In Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Research Centre for Translation, CUHK, ed. Lawrence Wang-chi Wong (Hong Kong: Research Centre for Translation, 2013), vol. 3, On Translation History, pp. 293–387.
- “Antonio Montucci and the Jean Basset Chinese Translation of the Holy Bible” 蒙特奇與白日升聖經譯本, East Journal of Translation 東方翻譯 24 (October 2013), pp. 36–42.
- “Lord Napier and the Translation of Names in Sino-British Hostilities in the Modern Period” 律勞卑與無比:人名翻譯與近代中英外交紛爭, Chinese Translators Journal 中國翻譯 5 (2013), pp. 23–28.
- Translation and the Presents of Lord Macartney to Emperor Qianlong “張大其詞以自炫其奇巧”:翻譯與馬戛爾尼的禮物, in The Gift of Knowledge: Re-Examining Gift Cultures 知識之禮:再探禮物文化學術論壇論文集, ed. Zhang Shangguan (Taipei: College of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Chengchi University, 2013), pp. 77–124.
- “Robert Morrison and ‘Eyes of the Barbarians’” 馬禮遜與“蠻夷的眼睛”, East Journal of Translation 東方翻譯 22 (April 2013), pp. 28–35.
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