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A Brotherhood in Song: Chinese Poetry and Poetics

Table of Contents
STEPHEN SOONG: Introduction: The Chinese Poetic Tradition | 1 |
CH’IEN CHUNG-SHU: Poetry as a Vehicle of Grief translated by Siu-kit Wong |
21 |
YEH CHIA-YING: Li Shang-yin’s “Four Yen-t’ai Poems” translated by James R. Hightower |
41 |
JAMES J.Y. LIU: Chiang K’uei’s Poetics | 93 |
HUANG KUO-PIN: Li Po and Tu Fu: A Comparative Study | 99 |
WEN I-TO: Form in Poetry translated by Randy Trumbull |
127 |
Five Poems translated by David Hawkes |
137 |
LI PO: The Hard Road to Shu translated by A.C. Graham |
142 |
STEPHEN OWEN: Some Mid-T’ang Quatrains | 145 |
Six Poems translated by Arthur Cooper |
179 |
Fifteen Selected Lyrics translated by D.C. Lau |
187 |
LI CH’ING-CHAO: Double Brightness translated by John Minford |
200 |
LU YU: Seven Poems translated by Burton Watson |
201 |
WU WEN-YING: Five Tz’u Songs translated by Grace S. Fong |
205 |
Fifteen Yüan San-Ch’ü translated by C.H. Kwock and Gary G. Gach |
215 |
Ten Ming Songs translated by K.C. Leung |
230 |
CHU HSIANG: Thirteen Lyric Poems translated by Bonnie S. McDougall |
241 |
MU TAN: Eleven Poems translated by Pang Bingjun |
252 |
CHENG CH’OU-YÜ: Ten Poems translated by Huang Kuo-pin |
273 |
STEPHEN SOONG: The “Biased Compound” in Chinese Poetic Diction | 287 |
LING CHUNG: This Ancient Man Is I | 307 |
JOHN CAYLEY: To Keep Them from Falling | 331 |
JOHN TIMOTHY WIXTED: Sung-Dynasty and Western Poems on Poetry | 351 |
TAI FU-KU and YÜAN HAO-WEN: Poems on Poetry translated by John Timothy Wixted |
360 |
Brush and Breath: Poems on Poetry from the Ch’ing Dynasty translated by John Minford |
371 |
Notes on Contributors | 383 |