A Silver Treasury of Chinese Lyrics

Edited by Alice W. Cheang

xxxvii+342 pages
ISBN 962-7255-28-9


Table of Contents

Introduction xi
Acknowledgements xxxvii
Anonymous Songs from Dunhuang 敦煌曲子詞 1
The Phoenix Returns to the Clouds 鳳歸雲 2
The Pleasures of Playing Ball 拋球樂 4
Joyful Autumn Days 喜秋天 6
A Farewell to the Faeries 別仙子 8
Heavenly Barbarian (No. 1) 菩薩蠻 10
Heavenly Barbarian (No. 2) 菩薩蠻 12
Mountain Hawthorne 生查子 14
Audience at Golden Gate 謁金門 16
Riverbank Faery 臨江仙 18
The Sands at Silk-washing Creek 浣溪沙 20
The Huajian ji 花間集 23
Niu Xiji 牛希濟
Mountain Hawthorne 生查子 24
Huangfu Song 皇甫松
Remembering the South 憶江南 26
Waves Scour the Sands 浪淘沙 28
Ouyang Jiong 歐陽烱
The South Country 南鄉子 30
River Town 江城子 32
Yin E 尹鶚
Heavenly Barbarian 菩薩蠻 34
Wen Tingyun 溫庭筠 37
A Southern Song (No. 1) 南歌子 38
A Southern Song (No. 2) 南歌子 40
Heavenly Barbarian 菩薩蠻 42
Water Clock by Night 更漏子 44
Wei Zhuang 韋莊 47
Priestess of Taoist Mysteries (No. 1) 女冠子 48
Priestess of Taoist Mysteries (No. 2) 女冠子 50
Heavenly Barbarian (No. 1) 菩薩蠻 52
Heavenly Barbarian (No. 2) 菩薩蠻 54
Heavenly Barbarian (No. 3) 菩薩蠻 56
Feng Yansi 馮延巳 59
Butterflies Romancing the Flowers (No. 1) 蝶戀花 60
Butterflies Romancing the Flowers (No. 2) 蝶戀花 62
Picking Mulberry Leaves 采桑子 64
Li Yu 李煜 66
A Bushel of Pearls 一斛珠 68
Jade Tower Spring 玉樓春 70
Crows Cry in the Night (No. 1) 烏夜啼 72
Crows Cry in the Night (No. 2) 烏夜啼 74
Waves Scour the Sands (No. 1) 浪淘沙 76
Waves Scour the Sands (No. 2) 浪淘沙 78
The Beauteous Lady Yu 虞美人 80
Liu Yong 柳永 82
Magnolia Bloom 木蘭花令 84
Viewing the Tide 望海潮 86
Crane Rushes Heavenwards 鶴衝天 88
Lost Among Faeries 迷仙引 90
Jade Butterfly 玉蝴蝶 92
Empty the Cup 傾杯 94
Yan Shu 晏殊 97
The Sands at Silk-washing Creek 浣溪沙 98
Treading the Sedge 踏沙行 100
Willow by the Hillside Pavilion 山亭柳 102
Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 104
A Southern Song 南歌子 106
Riverbank Faery 臨江仙 108
Waves Scour the Sands 浪淘沙 110
Picking Mulberry Leaves (No. 1) 采桑子 112
Picking Mulberry Leaves (No. 2) 采桑子 114
Su Shi 蘇軾 117
River Town (No. 1) 江城子 120
River Town (No. 2) 江城子 122
Prelude to Water Music 水調歌頭 124
The Charms of Niannu 念奴嬌 126
Courtyard Filled with Fragrance 滿庭芳 128
The Diviner 卜算子 130
Riverbank Faery 臨江仙 132
Feasting the Bridegroom 賀新郎 134
Butterflies Romancing the Flowers 蝶戀花 136
Yan Jidao 晏幾道 139
Partridge Weather (No. 1) 鷓鴣天 140
Partridge Weather (No. 2) 鷓鴣天 142
Jade Tower Spring 玉樓春 144
Huang Tingjian 黃庭堅 147
Pure Serene Music 清平樂 148
The Beauteous Lady Yu 虞美人 150
Qin Guan 秦觀 153
Courtyard Filled with Fragrance 滿庭芳 154
Eight Sixes 八六子 156
Much Ado 好事近 158
Zhou Bangyan 周邦彥 161
Youthful Diversions 少年遊 162
Jade Tower Spring 玉樓春 164
Butterflies Romancing the Flowers 蝶戀花 166
Courtyard Filled with Fragrance 滿庭芳 168
Virtuoso Piece 六醜 170
West River 西河 172
Li Qingzhao 李清照 174
Tipsy Under the Flowers 醉花陰 176
Heavenly Barbarian 菩薩蠻 178
The Sands at Silk-washing Creek 攤破浣溪沙 180
The Bliss of Eternal Union 永遇樂 182
A Southern Song 南歌子 184
Spring at Wuling 武陵春 186
Zhu Dunru 朱敦儒 189
Partridge Weather 鷓鴣天 190
Magnolia Bloom (short form) 減字木蘭花 192
Much Ado 好事近 194
The Charms of Niannu 念奴嬌 196
Chen Yuyi 陳與義 199
Riverbank Faery 臨江仙 200
Yue Fei 岳飛 203
The River Runs Red 滿江紅 204
Fan Chengda 范成大 207
Butterflies Romancing the Flowers 蝶戀花 208
Drunk, Down and Out 醉落魄 210
Enchanting Eyes 眼兒媚 212
Lu You 陸游 214
Phoenix Hairpin 釵頭鳳 216
Partridge Weather 鷓鴣天 218
Fisherman’s Pride 漁家傲 220
Night Revels in the Palace 夜遊宮 222
Faeries on the Magpie Bridge 鵲橋仙 224
Much Ado 好事近 226
The Diviner 卜算子 228
Xin Qiji 辛棄疾 230
Song of Zhu Yingtai 祝英臺近 232
Green Jade Wine Jar 青玉案 234
Pure Serene Music 清平樂 236
Picking Mulberry Leaves 采桑子 238
Spring in the Princess’s Garden 沁園春 240
West River Moon 西江月 242
Feasting the Bridegroom 賀新郎 244
Breaking Through the Ranks 破陣子 248
Partridge Weather 鷓鴣天 250
The Bliss of Eternal Union 永遇樂 252
Jiang Kui 姜夔 256
Treading the Sedge 踏莎行 258
The Charms of Niannu 念奴嬌 260
Dark Fragrance 暗香 264
Joyous as Heaven 齊天樂 266
Shi Dazu 史達祖 271
Perfumed Silks 綺羅香 272
Three Lovely Maidens 三姝媚 274
Dai Fugu 戴復古 277
Song of the Grotto Faery 洞仙歌 278
Pure Serene Music 清平樂 280
Liu Kezhuang 劉克莊 283
The River Runs Red 滿江紅 284
Jade Tower Spring 玉樓春 286
Pure Serene Music 清平樂 288
Wu Wenying 吳文英 291
The Oriole Song Sequence 鶯啼序 292
Wind Enters the Pines 風入松 296
The Sands at Silk-washing Creek 浣溪沙 298
Liu Chenweng 劉辰翁 301
Willow Tips A-greening 柳梢青 302
Precious Censer 寶鼎現 304
Jiang Jie 蔣捷 309
Swallows Nesting Under the Beams 燕歸梁 310
The Beauteous Lady Yu 虞美人 312
Feasting the Bridegroom 賀新郎 314
Wang Yisun 王沂孫 317
Bewitching Beauty 眉嫵 318
Joyous as Heaven 齊天樂 320
Zhang Yan 張炎 322
High Mount Yangtai 高陽臺 324
Courtyard Filled with Fragrance 滿庭芳 326
Master Ruan Returns 阮歸郎 328
Selected Bibliography 330
Translators 335
First Line Index 341