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Chinese Classical Prose: The Eight Masters of the T'ang-Sung Period

Table of Contents
Introductory Note By Henry W. Wells |
vii |
Preface | ix |
Introduction | 1 |
HAN YÜ 韓愈 (768–824) | 23 |
The Thousand-li Horse 雜說四 | 28 |
Origin of Defamation 原毁 | 30 |
On the Teacher 師說 | 34 |
Eulogy of Po-i 伯夷頌 | 38 |
On Reading Hsün-tzu 讀荀 | 42 |
Memorial on the Bone of Buddha 論佛骨表 | 44 |
Censorial Memorial on Drought and Famine 御史臺上論天旱人饑狀 | 50 |
Memorial against the Use of Men and Women as Surety 應所在典貼良人男女等狀 | 52 |
Biography of Wang Ch’eng-fu, the Mason 圬者王承福傳 | 54 |
Postscript to the Biography of Chief Censor Chang 張中丞傳後序 | 60 |
Farewell Message to Shao-yin Yang 送楊少尹序 | 68 |
Preface to Poetry Addressed on Retired Scholar Shih 送石處士序 | 72 |
Preface to the Poem on Retired Scholar Wen’s Departure for Hoyang Chün 送温處士赴河陽軍序 | 76 |
Inscription on the Tomb Tablet of My Wet-Nurse 乳母墓銘 | 80 |
Funerary Message to Nephew No. 12 祭十二郎文 | 82 |
Inscription on Liu Tzu-hou’s Tomb Tablet 柳子厚墓誌銘 | 90 |
LIU TSUNG-YÜAN 柳宗元 (773–819) | 99 |
Criticism of the Grant of a Fief by Means of a Paulownia Leaf 桐葉封弟辯 | 102 |
Eulogy of I Yin’s Five Attempts to Jin Emperor Chieh 伊尹五就桀贊 | 106 |
The Snake-Catcher 捕蛇者說 | 108 |
The Tree-Planter, Kuo the Camel 種樹郭橐駝傳 | 112 |
Biography of Sung Ch’ing 宋清傳 | 116 |
Biography of Hochien 河間傳 | 120 |
Congratulatory Message to Chin-shih Wang Ts’an-yüan on the Burning of His House 賀進士王參元失火書 | 128 |
OU-YANG HSIU 歐陽修 (1007–1072) | 133 |
On the Partisanship of Friends 朋黨論 | 140 |
On the Release of Prisoners 緃囚論 | 144 |
Memorial on the Refusal to Accept the Remonstrances of the Censor 論臺諌官言事未蒙聽允書 | 148 |
On the Difficulties of Being a Ruler (II) 為君難論(下) | 158 |
Memorial on the Prohibition of the Anonymous Slandering of Trusted Court Officals 論禁止無名子傷毁近臣狀 | 164 |
Memorial on a Wrongful Decision of the Ministry of Justice 論大理寺斷寃獄不當劄子 | 170 |
The Daylight Brocade Hall 晝錦堂記 | 174 |
The Hsien Hill Pavilion 峴山亭記 | 178 |
The Pavilion of Prosperity and Happiness 豐樂亭記 | 182 |
The Old Drunkard’s Pavilion 醉翁亭記 | 186 |
The Portrait of Wang Yen-chang 王彥章畫像記 | 190 |
Biography of Retired Scholar Liu-i 六一居士傳 | 196 |
Inscription on the Memorial Tablet for the Passage to the Shuangkang Tomb 瀧岡阡表 | 200 |
On the Portraits of the Seven Worthy Men 七賢畫序 | 208 |
SU HSÜN 蘇洵 (1009–1066) | 211 |
On Kuan Chung 管仲論 | 214 |
Letter to Mei Sheng-yü 與梅聖俞書 | 220 |
SU SHIH 蘇軾 (1037–1101) | 225 |
The Most Gracious Penalties and Rewards 刑賞忠厚之至論 | 232 |
On Fan Li 范蠡論 | 236 |
On Fan Tseng 范僧論 | 240 |
On Chang Liang 留侯論 | 244 |
Letter to Chih-chiang Mei 上梅直講書 | 248 |
The Happy Rain Pavilion 喜雨亭記 | 252 |
The Drunken Po Hall 醉白堂記 | 256 |
First Fu on the Ch’ih-pi (Red Cliff) 前赤壁賦 | 260 |
Second Fu on the Ch’ih-pi (Red Cliff) 後赤壁賦 | 264 |
Biography of Master Fang-shan (Square Hat) 方山子傳 | 268 |
An Anecdote about Ti Ch’ing 書狄武襄事 | 272 |
Preface to the Collected Works of Fan Chung-yen 范文正公文集叙 | 274 |
Preface to the Collected Works of the Retired Scholar 居士集叙 | 280 |
SU CH’E 蘇轍 (1039–1112) | 287 |
On the Six States 六國論 | 290 |
Letter to Prime Minister Han 上樞密韓太尉書 | 294 |
Biography of Ch’ao Ku 巢谷傳 | 298 |
TSENG KUNG 曾鞏 (1019–1083) | 305 |
The Ink Pond 墨池記 | 308 |
The Temple of Yen, Duke of Lu, at Fuchow 撫州顏魯公祠堂記 | 310 |
The Sober Mind Pavilion 醒心亭記 | 316 |
Biography of Hsü Fu 徐復傳 | 320 |
Biography of Hung Wo 洪渥傳 | 326 |
Preface to the Collected Memorials of Fan Kuan-chih 范貫之奏議集序 | 330 |
Preface to the Collected Works of Wang P’ing-fu 王平甫文集序 | 334 |
Letter to the Honorable Ou-yang 寄歐陽舍人書 | 338 |
WANG AN-SHIH 王安石 (1021–1086) | 345 |
After Reading the Biography of Prince Meng-ch’ang 讀孟嘗君傳 | 348 |
Criticism of the Form of Confucius’ Biography 孔子世家議 | 350 |
A Visit to the Pao-ch’an Mountain 遊襃禪山記 | 352 |
Inscription on the Tomb Tablet of Mr. Hsü, Chu-pu of Hailing Hsien, T’aichow 泰州海陵縣主簿許君墓誌銘 | 356 |
Bibliography | 361 |