Home / Renditions / Publications / Renditions Books / Chinese Middlebrow Fiction
Chinese Middlebrow Fiction: From the Ch'ing and Early Republican Eras

Table of Contents
LIU TS’UN-YAN: Introduction: “Middlebrow” in Perspective | 1 | |
P’U SUNG-LING: Marriage as Retribution Translated by Chi-chen Wang |
41 | |
HAN PANG-CH’ING: Sing-song Girls of Shanghai Translated by Eileen Chang |
95 | |
STEPHEN CHENG: Sing-song Girls of Shanghai and Its Narrative Methods | 111 | |
TSENG P’U: A Flower in a Sinful Sea Translated by Rafe de Crespigny and Liu Ts’un-yan |
137 | |
H.P. TSENG: My Father’s Literary Journey Translated by Colin Modini |
193 | |
C.T. HSIA: Hsü Chen-ya’s Yü-li hun: An Essay in Literary History and Criticism | 199 | |
PERRY LINK: An Interview with Pao T’ien-hsiao | 241 | |
CHANG HEN-SHUI: Fate in Tears and Laughter Translated by Sally Borthwick |
255 | |
LI PO-YÜAN: Modern Times or A Brief History of Enlightenment Translated by Douglas Lancashire |
289 | |
WU WO-YAO: Bizarre Happenings Eyewitnessed in Two Decades Translated by Shih Shun Liu |
341 | |
LIU TS’UN-YAN: Postscript | 364 | |
Notes on Contributors | 368 | |
Notes on Illustrations | 370 |