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Song Without Music: Chinese Tz'u Poetry

Table of Contents
PREFACE | 1 | |
Twenty Selected Lyrics Translated by D.C. Lau |
5 | |
MIAO YÜEH: The Chinese Lyric Translated by John Minford |
25 | |
Eleven Tz’u by Wei Chuang Translated by C.Y. Hsu |
45 | |
CHANG TSUNG-SU: Behind the Lines: Tz’u Poets and Their Private Selves Translated by Frederick C. Tsai |
57 | |
Thirteen Tz’u by Liu Yung Translated by Winnie Lai-fong Leung |
62 | |
CHA-YING YEH CHAO: An Appreciation of the Tz’u of Yen Shu Translated by James R. Hightower |
83 | |
Twenty-one Tz’u by Ou-yang Hsiu Translated by Teresa Yee-wha Yü |
100 | |
RUTH W. ADLER: Confucian Gentleman and Lyric Poet: Romanticism and Eroticism in the Tz’u of Ou-yang Hsiu | 121 | |
CHENG CH’IEN: Liu Yung and Su Shih in the Evolution of Tz’u Poetry Translated by Ying-hsiung Chou |
143 | |
KU SUI: Interpretation of Su Tung-p’o’s Tz’u Translated by Huang Kuo-pin and Teresa Yee-wha Yü |
157 | |
Nine Tz’u by Chou Pang-yen Translated by Julie Landau |
177 | |
YÜ P’ING-PO: Appreciations of Tz’u Translated by Ying-hsiung Chou and Winnie Lai-fong Leung |
190 | |
Ten Tz’u by Lu Yu Translated by James P. Rice |
199 | |
LIANG MING-YÜEH: The Tz’u Music of Chiang K’uel: Its Style and Compositional Strategy | 211 | |
Three Tz’u Songs with Prefaces by Chiang K’uei Translated by Huang Kuo-pin |
247 | |
Eleven Tz’u by Nalan Hsinteh Translated by John C.H. Wu |
252 | |
WAI-LEUNG WONG: “The River at Dusk Is Saddening Me”: Cheng Ch’ou Yü and Tz’u Poetry | 265 | |
Notes on Contributors | 280 |