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The Translation of Things Past: Chinese History and Historiography

Edited by George Kao
204 pages
ISBN 962-201-272-8
* currently out of print
Table of Contents
(*Asterisks denote items with Chinese text)
YING-SHIH YÜ: The Study of Chinese History: Retrospect and Prospect Translated by Thomas H.C. Lee and Chun-chieh Huang |
7 |
LIU CHIH-CHI: Understanding History: the Narration of Events* Translated by Stuart H. Sargent |
27 |
BURTON WATSON: Some Remarks on Early Chinese Historical Works* | 35 |
YING-SHIH YÜ: The Seating Order at the Hung Men Banquet Translated by T.C. Tang |
49 |
STEPHEN C. SOONG: A Poet’s-eye View of History Translated by Mok Wing-yin |
62 |
WINSTON L.Y. YANG: From History to Fiction—the Popular Image of Kuan Yü | 67 |
T’AO CH’ENG-CHANG: The Evolution of China’s Secret Sects and Societies Translated by Ssu-yü Teng |
81 |
WANG CH’ING-CH’ENG: Hung Hsiu-ch’üan’s Early Thought and the Taiping Revolution Translated by C. A. Curwen |
103 |
LIANG CH’I-CH’AO: A Biography of T’an Ssu-t’ung* Translated by Chan Sin-wai |
139 |
WILLIAM A. ROULSTON: After 3,000 Years—A Scene from An Ancient Classic Comes to Life | 151 |
ALBERT G. HESS: The “Memoirs” of Li Hung-chang—the Story of a Non-translation | 155 |
XIAO HONG: A Remembrance of Lu Xun Translated by Howard Goldblatt |
169 |
Notes on Contributors | 192 |
Chinese Texts | 195 |