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Renditions no. 80 (Autumn 2013)

This issue is another collection of writings in various genres and from different periods of Chinese history. We are both delighted and honoured to begin it with the late Professor D. C. Lau’s translation of the ‘Advanced School of Learning’ (Daxue), that foundational Confucian text offering sage advice on self-cultivation that was a moral guide in China for many hundreds of years. Other highlights include a Song dynasty tale of elopement and the resulting court case, and seventeenth century critic Jin Shengtan’s insightful commentary on the Shuihu zhuan. Included also are ‘The History of Humanity’, an important 1907 essay by Lu Xun, a thought-provoking exploration on the differences between Chinese literature and civilization and the Western institutions by the controversial writer and critic Hu Lancheng, followed by ten contemporary poems by Chien Chengchen, and a short story from 1930s Shanghai by the ‘new sensationalist’ Mu Shiying.
126 pages
Table of Contents
Editor’s Page | 5 | |
———— | Advanced School of Learning Translated by D. C. Lau |
7 |
———— | Miss Zhang Elopes with Star Brothers in the Night:
A Story from the ‘Zuiweng tanlu’
Translated by Alister D. Inglis |
24 |
Jin Shengtan | Jin Shengtan’s Preface to the Twenty-eight Chapter
of Shuihu Zhuan
Translated by Xiao Rao |
35 |
Hu Lancheng | The Heavenly Way and the Human World
Translated by Kevin Hsu |
40 |
Lu Xun | The History of Humanity: An Interpretation of the German Biologist Haeckel’s Monist Study of Racial Genesis, Phylogeny
Translated by Naikan Tao |
61 |
Mao Dun | Waverings: excerpts
Translated by David Hull |
73 |
Chien Chengchen | Ten Poems Selected from Paradise Lost
Translated by Chen Chienmin |
94 |
Mu Shiying | A Platinum Statue of the Female Body
Translated by Ping Zhu |
114 |
Book Notices | 121 | |
Notes on Authors | 123 | |
Notes on Contributors | 125 |