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The Carving of Insects

By Bian Zhilin
Edited by Mary. M. Y. Fung
Translated by Mary. M. Y. Fung and David Lunde
152 pages
ISBN 962-7255-33-5
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements | 9 |
Editor’s Introduction | 11 |
Co-Translator’s Introduction | 35 |
I. The Initial Phase: 1930–1932 | |
Evening 傍晩 | 50 |
Record 記錄 | 50 |
The Crows 群鴉 | 51 |
Long Journey 遠行 | 52 |
Shadow 影子 | 53 |
Cold Night 寒夜 | 54 |
A Monk 一個和尙 | 55 |
An Idler 一個閒人 | 56 |
Tossing 投 | 56 |
Long Road 長途 | 57 |
Night Wind 夜風 | 58 |
Cool Plum Drink 酸梅湯 | 59 |
Falling 落 | 60 |
Early Morning in August 八月的清晨 | 61 |
A Brief Parting 小別 | 63 |
Zhongnanhai 中南海 | 65 |
On the White Stone 白石上 | 66 |
West Chang’an Street 西長安街 | 68 |
Mid-Autumn Festival 過節 | 70 |
Continuous Rain 苦雨 | 70 |
Roadside Teahouse 路過居 | 71 |
Crying One’s Wares 叫賣 | 73 |
A Piece of a Wrecked Ship 一塊破船片 | 73 |
Several People 幾個人 | 74 |
Mule Cart 大車 | 75 |
Grass on the Wall 牆頭草 | 75 |
II. Finding His Voice: 1933–1935 | |
Weariness 倦 | 78 |
Homecoming 還郷 | 79 |
Entrust it to the Flowing Water 寄流水 | 81 |
Dream of the Old Town 古鎭的夢 | 82 |
Reed-leaf Boat 蘆葉船 | 83 |
Autumn Window 秋窗 | 84 |
The Heart of the Old City 古城的心 | 84 |
Entering the Dream 入夢 | 85 |
City in Spring 春城 | 86 |
By the Roadside 道旁 | 88 |
Contrast 對照 | 88 |
Aqueous Rock 水成岩 | 89 |
The Way Back 歸 | 89 |
Composition of Distances 距離的組織 | 90 |
Reverie on the Night of the Lantern Festival 舊元夜遐思 | 91 |
The Chiba Flute 尺八 | 92 |
Round Jewel Casket 圓寶盒 | 93 |
Fragment 斷章 | 94 |
Loneliness 寂寞 | 94 |
Sea Voyage 航海 | 95 |
Resounding Dust 音塵 | 96 |
III. The Joy of Love: 1936–1937 | |
Bedtime (A Child’s Story) 休息(童話) | 98 |
Fish Fossil: a Fish or Girl Speaking 魚化石 | 99 |
Snow 雪 | 99 |
Tears 淚 | 100 |
The First Lamp 第一盞燈 | 101 |
Migration of Birds 候鳥問題 | 101 |
The Peninsula 半島 | 102 |
Untitled 1 無題一 | 102 |
Untitled 2 無題ニ | 103 |
Untitled 3 無題三 | 103 |
Untitled 4 無題四 | 104 |
Untitled 5 無題五 | 104 |
The Railway Station 車站 | 105 |
Sleeping Carriage 睡車 | 105 |
Dressing Table 妝台 | 106 |
Water Content 水分 | 107 |
Roads 路 | 108 |
The Rain and I 雨同我 | 109 |
The White Seashell 白螺殼 | 110 |
Naughty Child 淘氣 | 112 |
Insects at the Lamp 燈蟲 | 113 |
IV. Letters of Comfort: 1938–1939 | |
To a Sharpshooter on the Front 給前方的神槍手 | 116 |
To the New Local Recruits 給地方武裝的新戰士 | 117 |
To the Children on Sentry Duty 給放哨的兒童 | 118 |
To Coal Miners 給一處煤窯的工人 | 120 |
To Farmers who Evacuated their Houses and Cleared their Fields 給實行空室清野的農民 | 122 |
To the Generalissimo 給委員長 | 123 |
To the Author of ‘On Protracted War’ 給《論持久戰》的著者 | 124 |
To Air Force Fighters 給空軍戰士 | 125 |
To a Company Commander who Probed the Line Fence with his Finger 給一位用手指探電網的連長 | 126 |
To the Young Pioneers of the Northwest 給西北的開荒者 | 127 |
V. Later Poems: 1950–1996 | |
Rumours Taught the ‘Nervous Wreck’ a Lesson 謠言教訓了神經病 | 130 |
Night March 夜行 | 132 |
From Winter to Spring 從冬天到春天 | 133 |
Gathering Water Chestnuts 採菱 | 134 |
Picking Osmanthus 採桂花 | 135 |
Prospect of the Ming Tombs 十三陵遠景 | 136 |
Flying over Taiwan 飛臨台灣上空 | 137 |
Watching Twelfth Night in New York City 紐約看《第十二夜》演出 | 139 |
Visiting a Deserted Private Garden in New Haven 紐海文遊私第荒園 | 140 |
View from a Waterside Chamber in Boston 波士頓水軒晚眺 | 140 |
Rochester: Inside and Outside the City 羅切斯特城內城外 | 141 |
Waiting for Takeoff in the Little Airport at Bloomington 布魯明屯小機場待發 | 142 |
Reverie upon Ascending the Sears Tower 芝加哥登樓遐思 | 143 |
A Short Visit to Cheung Chau Island in Hong Kong 香港小遊長洲島 | 144 |
Listening to Streetcars Circling at Midnight 午夜遙聽街車環行 | 145 |
Selected Bibliography | 147 |
Appendix | 149 |