Stephen C. Soong Awards

Stephen C. Soong (1919–1996) was a prolific writer and translator, as well as an active figure in the promotion of translation education and research. To commemorate his contributions in this field, the Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Memorial Awards were set up in 1997 by RCT, with a generous donation from the Soong family. It gives recognition to academics who have made contributions to original research in Chinese Translation Studies, particularly in the use of first-hand sources for historical and cultural investigations.
Applications and nominations for the 27th Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Memorial Awards (2024–2025) are now open.
General regulations for the Awards
Eligibility is limited to scholars or research students affiliated to higher education/research institutes in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau or overseas regions.
Submissions must be articles written in either Chinese or English and published in a refereed journal within the specified calendar year. Each candidate can enter up to two articles for the Awards each year. The publication date and the title and volume/number of the journal in which the article(s) appeared must be provided on top of each entry.
Up to three articles can be selected as winners each year. A certificate and a cheque of HK$3,000 will be awarded for each winning entry.
The adjudication committee, which consists of renowned scholars in Translation Studies from Greater China, will meet in Hong Kong every April. The results will be announced in relevant academic journals of the region; winners will be notified individually.
Articles submitted will not be returned to the candidates.
Two new submission mechanisms have been introduced since 2010 to the Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Awards. They are:
scholars are welcome to nominate outstanding journal articles in the field for the Awards.
E-mail submission:
in addition to mail-in submissions, electronic or scanned journal papers via emails are also accepted.
For Call for Papers and details of the Awards 2024–2025, please click here.
SPECIAL MENTION: LU Chunhui (Department of Portuguese, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau)
“Translation and Reception of the Chinese Character “Yi” in Macao from the 16th to the 19th Century”, Journal of Macao Polytechnic University 26.3 (2023), pp. 96-107.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
SPECIAL MENTION: SHI Guang (School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University)
“From Artifact to Literature: Emperor Qian-long’s Poetry and Its Early Translation in English-speaking World”, in Shunqing Cao ed., Zhong wai wenhua yu wenlun 51 [Culture Studies and Literary Theory 51] (Chengdu: Sichuan Daxue Chubanshe, 2022), pp. 360-381.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
WANG Shengyu (School of Chinese Language and Literature, Soochow University)
“Chinese Folklore for the English Public: Herbert A. Giles’s 1880 Translation of Pu Songling’s Classical Tales”, Comparative Literature 73, No. 4 (December 2021), pp. 442-462.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention: WANG Xiulu (School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University)
“History of Translation and Reception of the Chinese Folk Opera Pu Kang in the 19th Century”, Compilation and Translation Review, Vol. 13, No. 1 (March 2020), pp. 39-70.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
JIANG Fan (Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation, Shanghai International Studies University)
Touguo fanyi xianxiang shenhua wenxue guanxi yanjiu—zailun Yase Weili he Wang Jizhen zai Hongloumeng yingyi zhong de “mengjing” zhi zheng [An Intertextual Approch to Literary Relations: Rethinking Arthur Waley and Wang Chi-chen’s “Dream Controversy” in the English Translation and Adaptation of Hongloumeng] (in Chinese), Translation Quarterly 91 (March 2019), pp.27–58.
Special Mention: ZHANG Lihua (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University)
Wenxue geming yu Yuwai xiaoshuoji de jingdianhua [The Canonization of Collections of Foreign Short Stories in Context of the Literary Revolution] (in Chinese), Wenyi zhengming 298 (May 2019), pp.60–75.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention:
CUI Wendong (Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong)
“Translation, Nation, and Gender: Cultural Adaptations in Short Stories Translated by the Late-Qing Writer Tang Hongfu”, Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, No. 50 (March 2017, published in 2018), pp. 1–35
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention:
Chu-Ching Tsai (Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University)
“The Reception and Transformation of Detective Fictions in Late Qing and Early Republican (1896–1916) China,” in Hsiao-yen Peng ed., The Paradox of Transcultural Movement: From the Late Qing to the Republican Period (Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, 2016), pp. 111–146.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention:
Chen Hung-shu (Department of English Instruction, University of Taipei)
“Translating ‘Teacher’: The Role Model in the Education Novel under the Influence of Dual Cultures,” Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, No. 46 (March 2015), pp. 31–62.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Theodore Huters, Sher-shiueh Li, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention:
Siu Sai-yau (School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong)
“Translating ‘Teacher’: The Role Model in the Education Novel under the Influence of Dual Cultures,” Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, No. 46 (March 2015), pp. 31–62.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Ching-him Wong (School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong)
On the Latin Translation of Mencius of François Noël, SJ, Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol. 57 (2013).
Special Mention:
Sharon Tzu-yun Lai (Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation, National Taiwan Normal University)
Who Are They?—In Search for the “Unknown” Translators in Post-War Taiwan, The Making of a Translator: Multiple Perspectives (2013)
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Hung-Shu Chen (Graduate Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University)
Predecessors of Ai de jiaoyu (Education of Love): The Translation History from Cuore to Xin’er jiuxueji (Xin’s Journal about School Life), Studies in Translation History, Vol. 2 (2012).
Special Mention:
Shaw-Yu Pan (Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University)
Literary Genealogy and Cultural Adaptations of the Victorian Dream of the Red Chamber: Late Qing Translated Novel Hongleiying, Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature N.T.U., Vol. 39 (2012).
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chu Chi Yu, Theodore Huters, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention:
Nanxiu Qian (Asian Studies Program, Rice University)
“Space Expansion for Late Qing Women: Xue Shaohui’s Motivation and Purpose of Compiling the Biographies of Foreign Women”, Studies in Translation History, Vol. 1 (2011).
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Theodore Huters, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Sher-shiueh Li (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)
Literary Translations of the Ming Jesuits (in Chinese), LOGOS & PNEUMA Chinese Journal of Theology, No. 33 Autumn 2010.
Guowei Shen (Faculty of Foreign Language Studies, Kansai University)
Translating Western Concepts by Creating New Characters: A Comparison of Japanese and Chinese Attempts (in Chinese), Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences), Vol. 40, No. 1 January 2010.
Special Mention:
Feng-chuan Pan (Graduate Institute of International Sinology Studies, National Taiwan Normal University)
The Filial Piety in the Context of the Chinese Rites Controversy: François Noël’s Translation of Xiongjing (in Chinese), LOGOS & PNEUMA Chinese Journal of Theology, No. 33 Autumn 2010.
Shanshan Peng (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University)
A Half of Social Contract: Nakae Chomin’s Translation and Interpretation, Chinese Scholarship, Vol. 28 (2010).
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Theodore Huters, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
73 entries for the Awards have been received this year, a record number since the Awards’ inception. After three rounds of screening, three papers have been selected for the Awards, while one received the honorable mention. The details are as follows:
Cui Wendong (School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong)
Politics vs. Poetics: A Study of Chinese Translations of Robinson Crusoe in Late Qing Period (in Chinese), Journal of Translation Studies, 11:2 (2008), published in 2009.
Sher-shiueh Li (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)
A Ming Lady with Three Faces: Mary As Seen in Alfonso Vagnoni’s Shengmu xingshi (in Chinese), Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, 2009:34.
Xia Xiaohong (Department of Chinese, Peking University)
Encyclopedia of World’s Famous Women and Biography of Foreign Heroines in Late Qing Period (in Chinese), Journal of Peking University, Philosophy and social sciences, 2009:2.
Special Mention:
George K.W. Mak (Department of East Asian Studies, University of Cambridge)
Manager in China of British and Foreign Bible Society and the Chinese translation of the Union Bible (in Chinese), Journal of the History of Christianity in Modern China, VIII (2008/2009), published in 2009.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
RCT wishes to take this opportunity to congratulate all the above individuals who will each receive notification and be prsented with an award certificate. We would also like to thank all the scholars who have sent in their papers or nominations. We look forward to your support and participation in future events at RCT.
Special Mention:
Hung Tao (City University of Hong Kong)
Translation Norms, Ideology and the Assessment of Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang’s English translation of Hongloumeung—also on translation criticism of Hongloumeng and the risks of adopting Western translation theories, Studies on “A Dream of Red Mansions” (in Chinese), Vol. 1, 2008.
Rachel Lung (Lingnan University)
Translation officials of the Tang central government in medieval China, Interpreting, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2008.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention:
John T. P. Lai (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Institutional Patronage: The Religious Tract Society and the Translation of Christian Tracts in Nineteenth-Century China, The Translator, 13, 2007.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Special Mention:
Rachel Lung (Lingnan University)
The Oral Translator’s “Visibility”: The Chinese Translation of David Copperfield by Lin Shu and Wei Yi”, TTR, 2004/17:2. (published in 2006)
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.
Zhu Chunshen (City University of Hong Kong)
Translation studies in China or Chinese-related translation studies: Defining Chinese translation studies, Babel, 50:4 (2004), published in 2005.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wong.
Special Mention:
Hu Gengshen (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
From “Translator’s Subjectivity” to “Translator-Centeredness” (in Chinese), Chinese Translators Journal, 2004:3.
Minhua Liu (Yang-Ming University, Taiwan), Diane L. Schallert and Patrick J. Carroll (The University of Texas at Austin)
Working memory and expertise in simultaneous interpreting, Interpreting, 2004:6(1).
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wong.
Special Mention:
Martha P.Y. Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Translation as Discourse: a Re-reading of Wei Yi and Lin Shu’s Chinese Translation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin (in Chinese), Chinese Translators Journal, 2003:2.
Wang Yougui (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
Ideology and the History of Literary Translation in 20th Century China (in Chinese), Chinese Translators Journal, 2003:5.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Eva Hung, Wang Kefei, Lawrence Wong.
Chang Nam Fung (Hong Kong Lingnan University)
Polysystem theory: Its prospect as a framework for translation research, Target, 13:2(2001) © 2002.
Xu Jun (Nanjing University of Foreign Studies)
Integrating the Empathy and Perspectives of Author, Translator and Reader for Text Recreation (in Chinese), Chinese Translators Journal, 2002:3.
Special Mention:
Wang Dongfeng (South China Normal University of Foreign Studies)
Mechanism for the Acceptance of Foreign Concepts by the Target Culture-A Hypothesis (in Chinese), Chinese Translators Journal, 2002:4.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Eva Hung, David Pollard, Wang Kefei.
Chang Nam Fung (Hong Kong Lingnan University)
From the Margin to the Centre (?) On the Past and Future of Chinese Translation Studies from the Point of View of the Polysystem Theory (in Chinese), Foreign Languages, 2001:4.
Zeng Lisha (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
On ‘Rules’ and the Dialectic Relationship between Translation Theory and Practice (in Chinese), Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, 2001:9.
Special Mention:
Chan Tak-hung, Leo (Hong Kong Lingnan University)
Cultural Hybridity and the Translated Text: Re-Reading D.H. Lawrence in Chinese, Across Languages and Cultures, 2001:2 (1).
Tan Zaixi (Hong Kong Baptist University)
The Chinese and Western Translation Traditions in Comparison, Across Languages and Cultures, 2001:2 (1).
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Eva Hung, David Pollard, Wang Kefei.
Li Defeng (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Tailoring Translation Programs to Social Needs: A Survey of Professional Translators, Target, 2000:12 (1).
Zhu Chunshen (City University of Hong Kong)
Perception and Cognition in Translating Chinese Landscape Poetry: A Case Study of Liu Zongyuan’s poem River Snow, Etudes sur le texte et ses transformations, 1999:7 (1). (published in 2000)
Special Mention:
Chan Tak-hung, Leo (Hong Kong Lingnan University)
Cultural Hybridity and the Translated Text: Re-Reading D.H. Lawrence in Chinese, Across Languages and Cultures, 2001:2 (1).
Tan Zaixi (Hong Kong Baptist University)
The Chinese and Western Translation Traditions in Comparison, Across Languages and Cultures, 2001:2 (1).
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Mary Fung, Eva Hung, David Pollard, Wang Kefei.
Chang Nam Fung (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
Faithfulness, Manipulation, and Ideology: A Descriptive Study of Chinese Translation Tradition, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 1998:2. (published in 1999)
Martha Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Translation and Power: A Hong Kong Case Study, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 1998:2. (published in 1999)
Zhu Chunshen (City University of Hong Kong)
Integration of Form and Content for Communication Through Translation: With Reference to Pronouns in Chinese Discourse, Multilingua, 1999:18 (1).
Special Mention:
Li Yunxing (Tianjian Normal University)
Cross-discipline Transfer in Translation Studies (in Chinese), Foreign Languages, 1999:1.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): John J. Deeney, Eva Hung, Perng Ching-hsi, David Pollard, Yang Ping (Observer).
Chang Nam Fung (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
Politics and Poetics in Translation: Accounting for a Chinese Version of ‘Yes Prime Minister’, The Translator, 1998:4 (2).
Chu Chiyu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
‘Literary’ vs ‘Literal’: the Theories of Chinese Sutra Translation (in Chinese), Translation Quarterly , 1998:7,8.
Xia Zhongyi (Fudan University, Shanghai)
On Literary Translation and Theories of Literary Criticism (in Chinese), Chinese Translators Journal, 1998:1.
Special Mention:
Tan Zaixi (Shenzhen University)
Translation Studies Should Focus on A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Translation Theories (in Chinese), Chinese Translators Journal, 1998:2.
Adjudicators (in alphabetical order): Chen Chang-fang, Gao Feng, Eva Hung, David Pollard.
Among the Best
The winning entries of the first six years are now collected and published as Among the Best: Stephen C. Soong Chinese Translation Studies Awards 1999-2004 (2 vols.).

Among the Best: Stephen C. Soong Chinese Translation Studies Awards 1999-2004 Vol. 1 (Chinese)
Edited by Eva Hung
Table of contents