Writing Chinese Translation History
The Eleventh Young Researchers' Conference on Chinese Translation Studies
call for papers
With the aim to encourage young scholars to actively participate in Chinese translation studies and strengthen academic exchange, the Research Centre for Translation (RCT), The Chinese University of Hong Kong will organise the Eleventh Young Researchers’ Conference on Chinese Translation Studies on 12-13 December 2024.
About twenty papers will be accepted for presentation, and four to five established scholars will be invited as discussants for the papers. Submissions of abstracts are now called for ‘“Writing Chinese Translation History”: The Eleventh Young Researchers’ Conference on Chinese Translation Studies’. Details of the Conference are as follows:
ORGANISER: Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CO-ORGANISER: Institute of Translation History and Transcultural Studies, Hunan University of Science & Technology
DATE: 12-13 December 2024
VENUE: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
THEME: Case studies or source analysis of Chinese translation history of different periods are welcome.
LANGUAGES: Chinese (Putonghua) and English
ELIGIBILITY: Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Post-doctoral Fellows, and candidates for a Master or Doctoral degree in Chinese translation studies
Applications with an abstract of no more than 500 words should be submitted through the conference website on or before 15 April 2024 for the first round of screening. The result of first round will be released on 1 May 2024. Successful candidates are required to submit the full text of an UNPUBLISHED paper before 1 October 2024 for a second review. Candidates who pass both rounds of review will be invited in mid-October to present his/her paper at the conference on 12-13 December 2024.
Application link: https://rct.cuhk.edu.hk/yrc2024-application/
No conference fee will be charged. The organiser will provide free accommodation and meals for the conference period, and subsidize to a maximum of HKD 3,000 on transportation from place of residence to the Venue and back to place of residence.
Miss LI Yingxin Agnes
Tel: (+852) 3943 1736
Email: translationhistory@cuhk.edu.hk
Website: https://rct.cuhk.edu.hk/