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Studies in Translation History (2012)
王宏志 主編
Edited by Lawrence Wang-chi Wong
October 2012
346 pages
ISBN: 978-7-309-09213-4
Table of Contents
第一次鴉片戰爭中的譯者 下篇:英方的譯者 The Translators/Interpreters In the First Opium War, 1839–1842 Part Two: Translators/Interpreters of the British Camp |
王宏志 | 1 |
大英帝國、漢學及翻譯:理雅各與香港翻譯官學生計劃(1860–1900) British Empire, sinology and translation: James Legge and the interpreter Cadetship in Hong Kong (1860–1900) |
關詩珮 | 59 |
19世紀至20世紀的英華辭典與英和辭典的相互影響 ——中日近代新詞往來的渠道之一 The interaction between English-Chinese Dictionary and Chinese-Japanese Dictionary through 19th to 20th Century |
陳力衛 | 102 |
廣告與跨國文化翻譯:20世紀初期《申報》醫藥廣告的再思考 Medical Advertisement and International Cultural Translation: The Case of Shenbao in Early Twentieth-Century China |
黃克武 | 130 |
宮崎滔天與20世紀初期中國的「革命想像」:以章士釗「譯錄」的《孫逸仙》為中心 Miyazaki Toten and the Revolutionary Imagination in Modern China: An Inquiry of Zhang Shizhao’s translation of Miyazaki’s autobiography My Thirty-Three Years’ Dream |
潘光哲 | 155 |
臺灣日治時期的譯者群像 A portrait of the interpreters in Taiwan During Japanese Rule |
楊承淑 | 178 |
譯學新芽 | ||
「上帝」的爭端 ——理雅各與譯名之爭的餘波(1877–1880) A Controversy on the Chinese Name of “God”: James Legge and the Term Question, 1877–1880 |
潘 琳 | 218 |
《爱的教育》前一章:從Cuore到《馨兒就學記》的轉譯史 Predecessors of Aide jiaoyu (Education of Love): The Translation History from Cuore to Xin’er jiuxueji (Xin’s Journal about School Life) |
陳宏淑 | 243 |
外國翻譯史論文選譯 | ||
近代早期歐洲的多種翻譯文化 Cultures of translation in early modern Europe |
彼得 • 伯克(著) 關詩珮(譯) |
275 |
馬來世界裡的翻譯 ——不同的群體,不同的議題 Translation in the Malay World: Different Communities, Different Agendas |
多麗絲 • 葉傑姆斯基(著) 陶 磊(譯) |
309 |