
Studies in Translation History (2014)

王宏志  主編
Edited by Lawrence Wang-chi Wong

December 2014
342 pages
ISBN: 978-7-309-11122-4


Table of Contents

李之藻與徐光啟在西學翻譯的不同取向 ——以對西方兩個圓球式宇宙論的反應為例 Two Different Approaches in the Translation of Western Learning of Li Zhizao and Xu Guangqi: On Two-Sphere Model of the Cosmos 徐光台 1
「給予」還是「割讓」? ——鴉片戰爭中琦善與義律有關香港談判的翻譯問題 To Cede or Not To Cede? Translation Issues in the Negotiations between Qi Shan and Charles Elliot over the Cession of Hong Kong During the Opium War 王宏志 26
翻譯課程及全人教育之爭? ——香港聖保羅書院與香港政府的恩怨(1849–1855) Translation Curriculum? Or Education for All? Pedagogical Tension between St Paul’s College and The Hong Kong Colonial Government (1849–1855) 關詩珮 77
西洋炮台築城學典籍在東亞的傳播 The Transmission of Western Books on Fortification in East Asia 馮錦榮 107
瑪高溫與晚清西方颱風氣象知識傳華 D. J. Macgowan and the Propagation of Typhoon Knowledge in China 游博清 133
眾聲喧嘩的晚清譯界 ——以《基督山伯爵》譯本為中心 “Heteroglossia” in the Late Qing Translation on the Translations of The Count of Monte Cristo 禹 玲 153
威爾斯的世界想象及其中國迴響 ——以梁思成譯《世界史綱》為中心 The Emergence of World — H. G. Wells’ The Outline of History in China 趙柔柔 185
清末新政時期《教育世界》翻譯與張之洞及其幕府的關係 On the Relationship Between the Translation Activities of Jiaoyu Shijie (Educational World) and Zhang Zhidong and His Office during the Late Qing New Policies Period 胡夢穎 229
「共和」的創制 ——簡論“republic”一詞的漢譯定名與「共和」詞義在近代的嬗變 The Making of “Gonghe” in Modern Chinese: Its Development and Transmutation 崔 雋 263
譯者與民族文學的興起 Translators and the Emergence of National Literatures 德利勒、朱迪斯•伍兹沃思(合著) 李 俐(譯) 289
以重譯立論 ——19世紀漢學翻譯中的經典形成、專業化和國際競爭 Retranslation as Argument: Canon Formation, Professionalization, and International Rivalry in 19th Century Sinological Translation 沈安德(著) 吳慧敏(譯) 324