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Studies in Translation History (2015)
王宏志 主編
Edited by Lawrence Wang-chi Wong
December 2015
344 pages
ISBN: 978-7-309-11990-9
Table of Contents
17 世紀初中國士人在西學譯作中「演」的角色 ——從李應試演刻《兩儀玄覽圖》到畢懋康演《乾坤體義》 The Role of “Yan” in the Early Seventeenth-Century Translation of Western Works According to Chinese Literati: From Li Yingshi’s Liangyi Xuanlan Tu to Bi Maokang’s Approach to Qiankun Tiyi |
徐光台 | 1 |
1816 年阿美士德使團的翻譯問題 Translation in the Amherst Mission to China in 1816 |
王宏志 | 52 |
《澳門新聞紙》的版本、底本、譯者與翻譯 Aomen Xinwenzhi (Macau News): Its History, Original, Translators, and Translation |
蘇 精 | 99 |
早期來華新教傳教士的中文作品與翻譯策略 ——以米憐為中心的討論 Chinese Writings and Translation Strategies of Early Protestant Missionaries in China: A Case Study on William Milne |
司 佳 | 145 |
《中國民約精義》探源初論 ——盧梭《社會契約論》的漢譯影響研究(之一) A Preliminary Study of the Zhongguo Minyue jingyi: A Study of the Impact of the Translation of Social Contract in China |
潘光哲 | 165 |
《語苑》里的譯者角色 ——跨界於警察與法院的譯者 Interpreters’ Roles in Goen: Interpreters who Served as both Police Interpreters and Courtroom Interpreters |
楊承淑 | 189 |
馮至1950 年代的海涅漢譯與文化易語 Feng Zhi’s Chinese Translation of Heinrich Heine’s Poetry in the 1950s and Cultural Re-expression |
葉 雋 | 217 |
「死屋」中的「隱形鐵窗」 ——「文革」後期的《摘譯》研究 “Invisible Security Window” in the “Dead House”: A Study on Zhaiyi in the Late Stage of the Cultural Revolution |
鄒振環 | 243 |
譯學新芽 | ||
亦趨亦離:早期港英殖民政府的華人譯者(1843–1900) The Complexity of the In-Between: A Study on the Native Chinese Interpreters in the Early Colonial Hong Kong Government (1843–1900) |
陳雅晴 | 263 |
翻譯·政治·政治小說 ——略論《瑞士建國志》在東亞的翻譯與傳播 Translation, Politics, Political Novels: On the Translation and Dissemination of The Founding of the Swiss Republic in East Asia |
徐黎明 | 314 |